Recently, aku pergi satu program kat sekolah lama; Program Alumni Prihatin.
So there's a lot of new students that I didn't know, long time no see yang budak-budak batch aku, Kaizen. Then this one guy, I don't want to mention who, but at that time he was holding a DSLR while wander around the stage and hall taking pictures. And when he approached me, aku macam awkward lah sebab dah lama gila tak borak dengan dia. But actually memang aku jenis yang tak bercakap mana dengan budak batch aku pon especially lelaki, banyak yang sekadar tegur-tegur "hai mijaa" "hai" gitu jelah. So it was totally awkward and he asked me to make a pose or smile as he wanted to take a picture of me. Bagi aku benda tu tak salah pon, its just I'm not used to it and dah setahun kita tak jumpa. It doesn't appropriate for me to make a pose (alone) for a male photographer which is an ajnabi guy haha you know that kind of things. Here is the conversation when he approached me.
Guy : Mijaa, senyumlah nak amik gambar (while holding his DSLR)
Me : Eh takpelah, taknak taknak. Lagipun aku sorang je ni (I was alone and it was awkward!)
And there's another guy came and asked to take a picture of us. Lagilah aku taknak ohoi!
Me : Erm takpe taknak taknak.
Guy : Ala jomlah, memori ni kan, lagipun kecantikkan tu perlulah diabadikan.
Me : Haha takpayahlah. Tak kekal pon kecantikkan tu (waving hand)
Guy : Sebab tu lah kita ambik gambar. Jom jom.
Me : Hm tapi tak cantik pon, takpayahlah..
Finally, he refused to take a picture of me and I was so relieved I don't know how to describe it. Perasaan dan reaksi aku sekarang dah banyak berubah and I think it is good for me. Perlahan-lahan kan kita nak jadi better dari sebelum ni? But hey I'm not blaming others pon if they don't understand me. It is just me that don't know how to clarify things and approach people. I just hope to be a better muslimah by not hurting others. Tak salahkan?